The School Boat-yard

The other day, as I was scrolling through a WhatsApp group of special educators of my city when I suddenly stopped short as I read a sudden declaration by an esteemed member that remediation does not help children with learning disabilities. So I immediately started thinking , okay, if remediation […]

Reflections of the Learning Arc

The dramatic end of every passing year always culminates in great soul searching and analysis and setting up of new aspirations. How much success have we had with our interventions, how satisfied have our parents been with our work, what are the new initiatives we must plan are many of […]

Is your child a tech-freak? Think!

Hello friends, I would like to start today’s talk with a simple question- How many of you have children who can play games on the IPad to perfection and can work your mobile phone with great dexterity? May I have a show of hands? Quite a number! How many of […]

Dyslexia-free schools?

When I first returned from Europe in 2005 to teach children with learning disability, I started making the rounds of many schools to find work. To my utter surprise, some schools said that they did not have any learning -disabled children in their school. Baffled, I had no choice but […]

The Blue Schools?

The word blue besides the colour it represents has many other connotations. If you are blue-blooded, you are a lofty royal, if you watch blue movies, it is not exactly decent but if you are feeling blue, you are sad, dejected and not happy at all. So can we name […]